Sunday, June 12, 2011
Hello Oregon
I am presently with my family in Oakland, OR and will continue my journey up to the camp this afternoon. I'm excited to meet the staff. I'm especially looking forward to all that God has in store for this Summer as I'm sure He has brought together each member for a specific purpose. I will update everyone on all the adentures and shenanegins we get into, along with pictures and whatever else~
I get every other weekend off from the camp. I will alternate between going to visit my family and then visiting all my Portland people. Shall be quite an eventful Summer. Anyone who desires to come up for a visit let me know! I will surely make time to see you on my weekends off.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Goodbye California (for now anyway)
I have been finding myself at a loss for words these past few days for how incredibly grateful I am for the relationships the Lord has given to me over the years. Honestly, I didn't even realize how many relationships I had the pleasure of developing until I began meeting up with everyone to say goodbye (for now). It was difficult but also made me excited for all the additional relationships awaiting me at Camp Tadmor that will be developed.
Tomorrow I leave this beautiful city of San Clemente and make my way up North. My friends prayed over me at church tonight and I could not have asked for a better send-off. I am eagerly anticipating the ways God intends to move in our camp ministry and leadership team. Please keep us all in prayer. I will do my best to keep you all updated as I am able.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Dear Brothers in the Faith...
Men who claim to follow Jesus Christ,
you have possibly partaken in a most heinous heist.
The ladies that you so casually date,
filling your plate, because you simply can’t wait,
are being stolen from their future soulmate.
Do you think you’re a man,
taking from ladies what you can?
No, you’re just an everyday Peter Pan, man.
Never grow up, never man up,
never take responsibility for how you messed up.
Every kiss that you haphazardly took,
with that beckoning look,
not even considering what you forsook,
wasn’t yours to hook!
You are the men, the initiators,
so also be your Sister’s protectors!
Do not compromise their purity, or yours,
Tracking dirt onto their clean floors,
breaking into locked doors.
Instead, keep every woman pure for her wedding night,
not leaving them in an unfortunate plight,
and not taking from them another man’s right.
Rather, be men of integrity,
grow in spiritual maturity,
protect a woman’s femininity,
and exemplify true mansculinity.